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Results 1631-1640 of 4742 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Karma orientation in boundary spanning sales employees: A conceptual framework and research propositionsSingh, Ramendra; Singh, Rakesh Kumar P.
2011Does salesperson's customer orientation create value in B2B relationships? Empirical evidence from IndiaSingh, Ramendra; Koshy, Abraham
2011An exploratory investigation into the hierarchical linkages between salespersons' sales call activities and customers' psychosocial benefits and terminal valuesSingh, Ramendra
2012A new conceptualization of salesperson's customer orientation: Propositions and implicationsSingh, Ramendra; Koshy, Abraham
2012Jugaad-From 'Making Do' and 'Quick Fix' to an Innovative, Sustainable and Low-Cost Survival Strategy at the Bottom of the PyramidSingh, Ramendra; Gupta, Vaibhav; Mondal, Akash
2019EditorialSingh, Ramendra
2019AGROY: creating value through smart farmingSingh, Ramendra; Kumar, Jitender; Nayak, Avilash K.
2015Online movie ratings: A cross-cultural, emerging Asian markets perspectiveKeh, Hean Tat; Ji, Wenbo; Wang, Xia; Sy-Changco, Joseph A.; Singh, Ramendra
2014When do corporate social responsibility initiatives impact on customer-facing employees? Evidence from India and the NetherlandsVlachos, Pavlos A.; Panagopoulos, Nikolaos G.; Theotokis, Aristeidis; Singh, Ramendra; Singh, Rakesh Kumar P.
2018Digital Empowerment Foundation’s Chanderiyaan Project: linking the poor producers with the market using ICTSingh, Ramendra; Modi, Pratik; Gupta, Vaibhav; Sur, Arindam