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Title: Paradigms of Quality of Work Life
Authors: Ahmad, Shoeb
Keywords: Quality of work life
Job satisfaction
Human relations
Work–life balance
Organizational culture
Issue Date: Apr-2013
Publisher: Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkata
Series/Report no.: Vol. 19;No. 1
Abstract: Quality of work life (QWL) is generally associated with a series of objective organizational conditions and practices that enables employees of an organization to perceive that they are virtually safe, satisfied and have better chances of growth and development as individual human beings. QWL is nowadays drawing more attention globally as in modern society people spend about more than one-third of their lives at their workplace. Hence, the eminence and importance of QWL is unparalleled and unquestionable. This article first focuses on the definitions of QWL, followed by various paradigms of QWL, which form the basic element of QWL in any organization: health and safety, employment security, job satisfaction, occupational stress, work environment, work–life balance and human relations. Finally, the article proposes some strategies to improve QWL in organizations that focus on different areas of organizational functions: employee participation, job design and work organization, workforce awareness and career guidance, inter-group relationships, role of HR managers, self-managing work teams, rewards, alternative work schedules and supportive organizational culture. It is argued that one needs to pay attention to improve all these functions and strike a balance among them to make QWL effective.
Description: Shoeb Ahmad, Department of AMIS, University of Ha’il, Ha’il, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Post Box 2440,Zip/Postal Code 81451. E-mail:
p. 73-82
ISSN: 0971-6858(print version)
Appears in Collections:Issue 1, April 2013

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