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Title: A Study on Begging: A Social Stigma — An Indian Perspective
Authors: Malik, Sonia
Roy, Sanjoy
Keywords: Begging
Government policies
Corporate social responsibility
Issue Date: Oct-2012
Publisher: Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkata
Series/Report no.: Vol. 18;No. 2
Abstract: The economic growth in India is quite visible through infrastructural and industrial growth in metros but the same is overshadowed by the poor plight of beggars in these cities. This article addresses the living conditions of the beggars and their awareness about the various government policies. The study gives an insight into the economic status of beggars and answers why people go for begging. The solution calls for a comprehensive programme and reorientation of the existing programmes. We often read and hear of aids that are directed towards the upliftment of the beggars; and the article aims to check if these aids have in any way improved their plight. Many NGOs, non-profit private organizations and corporations are helping disadvantaged populace from various segments. But this segment has not received the requisite assistance and attention and this article examines the responsibility of corporations in this concern.
Description: Sonia Malik, Assistant Professor, Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Management and Research, A-4, Paschim Vihar,New Rohtak Road, New Delhi 110063. E-mail:
Sanjoy Roy, Assistant Professor, Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Management and Research, A-4, Paschim Vihar,New Rohtak Road, New Delhi 110063. E-mail:
p. 187-199
ISSN: 0971-6858(print version)
Appears in Collections:Issue 2, October 2012

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