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Title: Is there a Place for the Sacred in Organizations and their Development
Authors: Gupta, Rajen K.
Keywords: Spirituality
Cultural heritage
Issue Date: Oct-1996
Publisher: Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkata
Series/Report no.: Vol. 2;No. 2
Abstract: Secularization of life in general is widely seen as a direct consequence of European enlightenment and the process of modernization. The paper contests this thesis of societal secularization through a historical analysis of ideas in the Anglo-Saxon Christian parts of Europe and North America. It contends that the sense of the sacred has either been pushed to the private lives of individuals or marginalized into myriad forms of counter-movements. This paper then contests secularization of organizations and sees it as a thin veil of misperception. Success of Japanese organizations and studies thereof, have brought back the inevitable relevance of societal cultures for organizational management. A sense of the sacred is an essential aspect of culture—societal or organizational—which must be taken into account to build truly humane and optimally effective organizations. The theory and practice of organization development must advance itself accordingly to remain true to its spirit.
Description: Dr. Rajen Gupta, Professor, Organization Behaviour, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow.
p. 149-158
ISSN: 0971-6858 (print version)
Appears in Collections:Issue 2, October 1996

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