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Title: The Circle of Inclusion: Sustainability, CSR and the Values that Drive Them
Authors: Kassel, Kerul
Keywords: Values
Corporate social responsibility
Corporate sustainability
Green business management
Issue Date: Oct-2012
Publisher: Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkata
Series/Report no.: Vol. 18;No. 2
Abstract: This article examines the values that underlie notions of sustainability and corporate social responsibility,and how those values influence perspectives on who and what is included in decision-making. Theauthor argues that the epistemologies of economic considerations in industrial practices, and howthey are framed by science and technology, make it unlikely that practices towards sustainability willsuccessfully avert expanding global crises unless the circle of inclusion is expanded to include other-than-human life.
Description: Kerul Kassel, PhD, Fielding Graduate University, 3323 Schoolhouse Road, Harmony, FL, USA 34773 6008.E-mail:
p. 133-146
ISSN: 0971-6858(print version)
Appears in Collections:Issue 2, October 2012

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