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Title: Vedic Psychology and the Edda Poems
Authors: Harung, Harald S.
Keywords: Vedic psychology
Edda poems
Transcendental meditation
Yoga sutras
Unified field-based civilization
Issue Date: Apr-1996
Publisher: Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkata
Series/Report no.: Vol. 2;No. 1
Abstract: This paper compares two ancient traditions of knowledge: The Indo-European vedic texts and the Edda poems of the Scandinavian and Germanic people. There appear to be close similarities between these two traditions in terms of four major concepts: A basic unified state lying at the foundation of the vast variety in the universe; the process of creation from within this unified field; the development of higher states of individual consciousness; and the development of higher stages in the collective consciousness of society. Today this knowledge has practical implications for improving performance and quality of life, as shown by scientific research.
Description: Harald S. Harung, Business Consultant, Oslo, Norway.
p. 19-36
ISSN: 0971-6858 (print version)
Appears in Collections:Issue 1, April 1996

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