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dc.contributor.authorChakraborty, S.K.
dc.identifier.issn0971-6858 (print version)
dc.descriptionS.K. Chakraborty, Convenor, Management Centre for Human Values, Indian Institute of Management, Calcuttaen_US
dc.descriptionp. 205-220
dc.description.abstractThis paper establishes that the contemporary figures of organizational leadership are at best excellent examples of 'dealership' characterized by high skills-competence and low values-commitment. The author points out that managerial and organizational psychology for leadership is yet to grapple with the most fundamental of all the themes: the complete model of man which places the spirit-core of SELF in the centre. The paper upholds the classical Indian concept of wisdom leadership and introduces the rajarshi (raja + rishi) model of the leader as the very embodiment of satya (truth) and rita (order). The author then dwells on the nature of'rishi-consciousness' and elaborates on the 'rishi' process which leads to the unfoldment of unitive SELF-awareness or ekatmanubhuti. Speaking on behalf of one of the most enduring civilizations of the world, the author asserts that wisdom leadership comes from the ability to perceive the indivisible whole and this ability is not a function of the thinking, reasoning mind but of the intuitive, spiritual mind.en_US
dc.publisherIndian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkataen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 1;No. 2
dc.subjectSpirit-core of SELFen_US
dc.subjectRajarshi modelen_US
dc.subjectUnitive self-awarenessen_US
dc.subjectOrganizational leadershipen_US
dc.titleWisdom leadership: leading self by the SELFen_US
Appears in Collections:Issue 2, October 1995

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