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Title: Ethical-based Curriculumfor Emerging Educationtowards an Ideal Society
Authors: Teja, B. Bhargava
Keywords: Curriculum
Issue Date: Apr-2011
Publisher: Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkata
Series/Report no.: Vol. 17;No. 1
Abstract: An ethical curriculum depends on the ability to impart skill with knowledge for making the best useof the learning processes. It can further advance only when one explores different value dimensionswith additional goals in education than mere technical goal with an appropriate curriculum. An ethicalcurriculum provides character formation for the well-being of an individual which is even moreimportant than cultivation of intellect. However, the present education system offers no provisionto gain experience in social virtues while studying, as a result of which even the well-qualified are notbeing readily accepted as serious social citizens. A curriculum with ethics will be able to address andadvise various social diversities in a holistic manner and also elevate a society with values to greaterheights. So, the main aim of ethical education is to provide statesmanship and academic heroism tocreate a good society for holistic thinkers. Various methods and techniques have been designed forethical curriculum and faculty development with clear oracle and action to act as a nursery towardstotal personality development of an individual for emerging education.
Description: B. Bhargava Teja, Management Consultant, Dr B.R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad 500 033, India
p. 73-86
ISSN: 0971-6858(print version)
Appears in Collections:Issue 1, April 2011

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