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Title: Teaching of spiritual values to management students: a jesuit American experience
Authors: Bausch, Thomas A.
Keywords: Catholic social teaching
Servant leadership model
Universal call to holiness
Holistic education
Business education
Issue Date: Apr-1995
Publisher: Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkata
Series/Report no.: Vol.1;No.1
Abstract: This paper begins with an exposition of the model of work rooted in Catholic social teaching and goes on to establish that it is through our work that we become the person who we potentially can be. The author upholds the servant leadership model advocated by Robert K. Greenleaf as an antidote to the dysfunctional trends in American life and business characterized by rampant individualism. While focusing its approach on the education of business students the paper presents two critical ideas from the underlying theology of Catholic social teaching—the concept of person and that of a universal call to holiness. Courage, moderation, justice, charity; science, knowledge and wisdom; and competence and prudence are highlighted as the elements of education for true leadership. Finally, the author underlines the increasing importance of understanding contextual and environmental issues relating to business which ought to provide a framework and conceptual foundation for an education that is much more than a set of tools and techniques.
Description: Thomas A. Bausch Professor, College of Business Administration, Marquette University, Milwaukee, USA
p. 103-115
ISSN: 0971-6858(print version)
Appears in Collections:Issue 1, April 1995

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