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Title: Through western eyes: managing the earth-system
Authors: Harman, Willis W.
Keywords: Sustainable Human Civilization
Paradigm Shift
Inseparability of Problems
Growth-based Capitalism
Western Model of Development
Issue Date: Apr-1995
Publisher: Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkata
Series/Report no.: Vol.1;No.1
Abstract: This paper attempts to highlight the emergent threat posed by the Western materialistic worldview to a sustainable human civilization and draws a blueprint of ideas which can reverse this trend. In approaching this global problem from a whole-system perspective the author underlines the importance of the inseparability of environmental and other manmade problems facing humankind. He also ques tions some of the taken-for-granted assumptions of growth-based capitalism like competition, self- interest, progress and technological advance. Finally, the paper suggests that a shift in paradigm from the Western model of development to the more 'holistic' Eastern view is the need of the hour.
Description: President, Institute of Noetic Sciences, California
p. 49-65
ISSN: 0971-6858(print version)
Appears in Collections:Issue 1, April 1995

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