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Title: Social and Environmental Responsibility
Authors: Shah, Shashank
Keywords: Corporate stakeholder’s managemen
Corporate social responsibility
Stakeholder’s welfare
Environment responsibility
Natural environment protection
Local community welfare
Issue Date: Apr-2011
Publisher: Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkata
Series/Report no.: Vol. 17;No. 1
Abstract: Since the times of yore, the Indian culture has always laid importance on service to society as an important responsibility of the business/trader community. The society and local community is the resource pool from which any organization gets its manpower and also so to say ‘the license to operate’. The society is the entity to which an organization owes its existence. Any organization must pay its due in various ways to this important constituency. Though a number of models and frameworks have been identified by experts for Corporate Social Responsibility, the author has found a dearth of real-life cases of leading organizations (especially in the Indian context) and their endeavours towards societal welfare and environmental protection. The author has used the case of Hindustan Unilever Ltd (HUL), a leading company in the FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) sector in India for the past seven decades, to highlight their best practices towards the society, local community, NGOs and the natural environment. In spite of being a multinational organization, the Company has lived up to the Indian values of service to society. The case follows a descriptive research design and the findings include diverse, innovative and landmark initiatives undertaken by the Company to contribute to societal welfare through rural and women’s empowerment, livelihood generation, rehabilitation and natural environment protection and preservation. The data collection for this case has been done by the author through personal interviews with top executives of the Company and supplemented through other information available in the public domain.
Description: Shashank Shah, School of Business Management, Sri Sathya Sai University, Vidyagiri, Prashanti Nilayam 515134,Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh, India. E-mail:
p. 23 - 42
ISSN: 0971-6858(print version)
Appears in Collections:Issue 1, April 2011

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