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dc.contributor.authorLeewis, Sam
dc.contributor.authorSmit, Koen
dc.contributor.authorVersendaal, Johan
dc.identifier.issn0304-0941(print version)
dc.descriptionS. Leewis, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands,e-mail: | K. Smit, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands,e-mail: | J. Versendaal, Open University, Heerlen, The Netherlands, e-mail: johan.versendaal@ou.nlen_US
dc.descriptionp. 417–436
dc.description.abstractAnalyzing historical decision-related data can help support actual operational decision-making processes. Decision mining can be employed for such analysis. This paper proposes the Decision Discovery Framework (DDF) designed to develop, adapt, or select a decision discovery algorithm by outlining specific guidelines for input data usage, classifier handling, and decision model representation. This framework incorporates the use of Decision Model and Notation (DMN) for enhanced comprehensibility and normalization to simplify decision tables. The framework's efficacy was tested by adapting the C4.5 algorithm to the DM45 algorithm. The proposed adaptations include (1) the utilization of a decision log, (2) ensure an unpruned decision tree, (3) the generation DMN, and (4) normalize decision table. Future research can focus on supporting on practitioners in modeling decisions, ensuring their decision-making is compliant, and suggesting improvements to the modeled decisions. Another future research direction is to explore the ability to process unstructured data as input for the discovery of decisions.en_US
dc.publisherIndian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkataen_US
dc.subjectOperational decision-makingen_US
dc.subjectDecision discovery
dc.subjectDecision mining
dc.subjectDecision discovery framework
dc.titleDiscovering operational decisions from data—a framework supporting decision discovery from dataen_US
Appears in Collections:Issue 4, December 2024

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