Issue 3, September 2024 : [10] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-07Correction: A multi-item scale for open strategy measurementRadomska, Joanna; Szpulak, Aleksandra; Wołczek, Przemysław
2024-08Linkages among trade, gender and environment: A review in the context of India’s textile sectorKanupriya
2024-08Real earnings management’s effects on performance in firms reaching the loss avoidance threshold: indian evidence after controlling for variations in firm’s competitive strategyGandhi, Karan
2024-08Retailers’ social impact perspective–discrepancies between theory and practiceStefańska, Magdalena; Olejnik, Iwona
2024-08Cross-cultural differences in the effects of the ambient scent on in-store behavior: the role of companionshipChatterjee, Shuvam; Bryla, Pawel; Saleh, Mahmoud Ibraheam
2024-08Consumers’ attitudes and intentions toward functional beverages: a lesson for producers and retailersKowalska, Aleksandra; Leoniak, Krzysztof; Sołowiej, Bartosz Grzegorz
2024-08I know what you browsed last night! role of creepiness and persuasion knowledge on click intention of online behavioral advertisingKumar, Ajay; Kumar, Daruri Venkata Srinivas; Megha, R. U.
2024-09Multi-factor fuzzy sets decision system forecasting consumer insolvency riskKorol, Tomasz
2024-08A new extension of the EDAS method in a fuzzy environment for group decision-makingKacprzak, Dariusz
2024-09EditorialSeetharaman, Priya
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10