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Title: State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law: India
Authors: Babu, R Rajesh
Koonan, Sujith
Keywords: International law
Supreme Court of India
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Brill publishing
Series/Report no.: Vol.27;
Abstract: This report brings out current trends in the state practice and domestic implementation of International law in India. The report mainly focuses on the interpretation and application of International law by the domestic courts, primarily the Supreme Court of India, The report also reflects some of the major developments and engagements of India in the context of International law, most importantly, treaties that India entered into during the relevant period. While international law has been referred to in a large number of judgments by the Supreme Court of India, this report includes only those judgments in which the court has engaged with or applied the relevant international law norms and rules that are reflective of India's state practice.
Description: R Rajesh Babu, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta | Sujith Koonan, Associate Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Appears in Collections:Public Policy and Management

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