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Title: Deciphering Indian inflationary expectations through text mining: an exploratory approach
Authors: Banerjee, Ashok
Kanodia, Ayush
Ray, Partha
Keywords: Inflation sentiments
Machine learning
Natural language processing
Text mining
Issue Date: Apr-2021
Publisher: Indian Economic Review
Series/Report no.: Vol. 56;
Abstract: Inflationary forecasts tend to play a crucial role in macroeconomic and financial decision/policy making. In particular, in an inflation-targeting framework, it is of paramount importance. While traditionally, model-based and survey-based inflation expectations are being used, in recent times, a literature has emerged to forecast various macro-aggregates using text-based sentiment estimates. Taking a cue from this approach, in this paper we attempt to decipher inflationary sentiments using text mining from two leading financial dailies, viz., the Economic Times and Business Line. We consciously avoid using social media news due to severe challenges and high noise-to-signal ratio. In our algorithm we aggregate CPI basket level (viz., food, fuel, cloth & miscellaneous) sentiment into an overall index of inflation, adapting techniques from natural language processing. Our results from this text-based model indicate significant success in tracking actual inflation.
Description: Ashok Banerjee, Finance and Control Group, IIM Calcutta, Kolkata, India | Ayush Kanodia, Stanford University, Stanford, USA | Partha Ray, Economics Group, IIM Calcutta, Kolkata, India
Pages 49–66
ISSN: 2520-1778(Online)
Appears in Collections:Economics

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