2016 : [14] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-09-01Improving DEA efficiency under constant sum of inputs/outputs and Common weightsSingh, Sanjeet; Majumdar, Surya Sarathi
2016-11-01On the Fairness of Groce{Katz's Protocol for Rational PlayersMaitra, Arpita; Pal, Asim K
2016-11-01Data Analytics in Quantum Paradigm – An IntroductionMaitra, Arpita; Maitra, Subhamoy; Pal, Asim K
2016-10-01International posturing amidst domestic neglect? Examining contradictions in India’s Domestic and International agricultural policiesGupta, Priyanshu; Babu, Ravindran Rajesh
2016-08-01Relationship Marketing in Sport: An Exploratory Study in the UK ContextSista, Suren
2016-07-01Efficiency of Indian ADRs and their underlying stocks: An Adaptive Market Perspective from Nonlinear ModelsMadhavan, Vinodh; Ray, Partha
2016-07-01Measuring Batting Consistency and Comparing Batting Greats in Test Cricket: Innovative Applications of Statistical ToolsSarkar, Sahadeb; Banerjee, Anirban
2016-06-01Cultural Characteristics as Institutional Environment Shift Parameters: A Study of Governance Modes in CBAsVenkateswaran, Ramya T.; George, Rejie; Slangen, Arjen
2016-06-01Adding Cultural Distance or Bridging Cultural Barriers? Business Group Affiliation and Ownership in International AcquisitionsVenkateswaran, Ramya T.; George, Rejie
2016-05-01Business History: Travails and TrajectoriesBhattacharya, Rajesh
2016-04-01‘So That All May See’: An Interrogation of Knowledge Generation in the Post-colonySaha, Biswatosh; Jammulamadaka, Nimruji Prasad
2016-04-01Teaching Economics in a Management School: Some Personal QuandariesRay, Partha
2016-03-01Volatility curve generation using the Heston ModelPraturi, Krishna; Chakrabarti, Binay Bhushan
2016-01-01Securitization Market in India & Analysis of Structured ProductsMantri, Anand; Sarda, Himanshu; Chakrabarti, Binay Bhushan
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 14 of 14