2012 : [27] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 27
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012-12-01Pricing Strategies for Gaming-on-DemandBasu, Sumanta; Chakraborty, Soumyakanti; Sharma, Megha
2012-12-01The IIM Calcutta Data Centre : A Retrospective, Programming Tutorial and Future DirectionsSrikant, P; Chakrabarti, B B
2012-11-01Private Equity Trends and Exits in the Indian MarketSeth, Rama; Chinchwadkar, Rohan
2012-11-01From Market Separation to Market Development at Bottom of Pyramid: Case Studies on Two Non-Profit OrganizationsSingh, Ramendra; Modi, Pratik
2012-10-01Choosing the appropriate project management structure, project financing, land acquisition and contractual process for Indian railway mega-projects-a case study of the Dedicated Freight Corridor ProjectNag, Bodhibrata; Singh, Jeetendra; Tiwari, Ved Mani
2012-09-01Arithmetic Algorithms for Ternary Number SystemDas, Subrata; Dasgupta, Parthasarathi; Sensarma, Samar
2012-09-01Algorithms for Rotation Symmetric Boolean FunctionsDas, Subrata; Ghosh, Satrajit; Dasgupta, Parthasarathi; Sensarma, Samar
2012-08-01Psychological Capital as a Mediator of the Relationship between Leadership and Creative Performance Behaviors: Empirical Evidence from the Indian R&D SectorGupta, Vishal
2012-08-01Leadership and Creativity in Research and Development Laboratories: A New Scale for Leader BehavioursGupta, Vishal
2012-08-01Heavy Haul Corridor Selection and Service Design ModelsNag, Bodhibrata
2012-08-01Public Policies of Tobacco Control: The Process of Evolution of a Social ContractBhuyan, Nisigandha
2012-08-01Buyer-Supplier Negotiations Following Reported Delivery Failure: A Conceptual FrameworkSrivastava, B. N.; Joshi, Chetan; Sett, Rahul
2012-07-01Corporate Governance Norms in State Owned Enterprises: Can Apples be used to assess Oranges?Jaiswall, Manju; Jammulamadaka, Nimruji Prasad
2012-07-01Energy Utility Fuel Allocation Model for Non-Linear Revenue and Regulatory Tariff ImplicationsAvittathur, Balram
2012-07-01Exploring the relationship between Earnings Management and Corporate Governance characteristics in the Indian contextJaiswall, Manju; Banerjee, Ashok
2012-07-01Are Family firms in India managing their Earnings – An exploratory studyJaiswall, Manju; Banerjee, Ashok
2012-07-01A multi-criteria approach for railway project portfolio fund allocationNag, Bodhibrata; Singh, Jeetendra
2012-07-01Dual-homing of RNCs in UMTS NetworksSadhukhan, Samir K; Mandal, Swarup; Saha, Debashis
2012-05-01Static vs. Dynamic Policies for Vehicle Routing Problems with Backhauling and Dynamically Arising Customer DemandsMitra, Subrata
2012-05-01The US Railroads- their evolution, structure and operationsNag, Bodhibrata
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 27