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Title: Perspective article - Goal-boundary typology of nonprofit organizations: a proposal
Authors: Jammulamadaka, Nimruji Prasad
Keywords: NGOs
Organizational goals
Organizational systematics
Issue Date: Sep-2022
Publisher: Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkata
Series/Report no.: Vol. 49;No. 3
Abstract: Given that nonprofitness is a means to an end and not a goal in itself in nonprofits, I establish the need for a typology of nonprofits and propose an ideal type typology based on organizational goals and boundaries as the two dimensions. I distinguish between six types based on two kinds of goals: service delivery and social transformation and three levels in boundaries on the informal–formal boundary continuum. The stability and transformation of organizations among these six types is also discussed followed by utilizing the ideal types for the development of propositions on accountability across these nonprofit types. This paper contributes to the literature on nonprofit organizations and organizational systematics.
Description: N. Jammulamadaka, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Joka, Kolkata, West Bengal 700104, India
ISSN: 0304-0941(print version)
Appears in Collections:Issue 3, September 2022

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