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Title: Starting an Online Pharmacy in India
Authors: Jammulamadaka, Nimruji Prasad
Keywords: Online Pharmacy
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Case Research Center
Abstract: is an e-commerce startup launched by a husband-wife couple in India. It operates in the online pharmacy and healthcare space. Beginning as a pure online pharmacy, expands its business model to include healthcare services, such as online consultation, intermediation of speciality services and off-line clinics. The case explains the journey of the entrepreneurial team during the four year period after the launch of the start-up in May 2015. This is a general management perspective and involves understanding several decision situations and the effectual processes involved in them. Participants have to reflect upon the choices being made by the entrepreneurial founding team.
Description: Data Source :- Primary data
Setting :- Launching a start-up in online pharmacy space
Case Reference No. :- IIMC-CRC-2019-07
Case Length :- 14 Pages + Teaching note
Appears in Collections:2019-20

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