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Title: GALAXY Leather: Organising Processes for sustaining growth
Authors: Jammulamadaka, Nimruji Prasad
Keywords: Designing Systems And Process
Informal Sector
Organizational Design
Small Enterprise.
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Case Research Center
Abstract: Galaxy Leather is a 25 year old group of small scale leather enterprises based in the leather goods cluster of Kolkata. This privately owned family business has emerged as a respected Indian exporter of leather goods. They had been clocking about almost INR 400 million per annum in turnover during the last year. By 2016, Galaxy Leather had expanded into an operation of 3 factories making leather goods with a new 50,000 sq. ft. operation in the process of being set up. They operate in both export markets as third party manufacturers, and in Indian retail market under brand Styleindia. Their growth has brought Galaxy Leather face to face with several challenges creating the need to streamline the business's processes, organization structure, and systems to manage this new growth and prepare the organization for leadership succession while preserving their foundational values of caring and family.
Description: Data Source :- Field research.
Setting :- Sustainability initiatives in a leather company.
Case Reference No. :- IIMC-CRC-2017-17
Case Length :- 20 pages + teaching note.
Appears in Collections:2017-18

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