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Title: The Bandit Queen’s Tryst with Looting Digital Riches
Authors: Jammulamadaka, Nimruji Prasad
Keywords: Digital And Collaborative Organization
Reverse Mentoring
Strategy As Cognition.
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Case Research Center
Abstract: This case is a fictionalized account based on Phoolan Devi’s gang of dacoits. The case provides an overview of the gang and its activities, and subsequently deals with how the gang has coped with digitization. After the Behmai massacre that brought the gang national notoriety and established it as a savior of downtrodden, the state administration resorts to digitization along with increased police presence to combat the threat from Phoolan Devi’s gang. National notoriety also leads to increase in gang membership from urban vigilantes and runaways. The gang manages the new recruits by having senior members serve as mentors to the rookies. The gang responds to digital transformation initiatives of administration by converting the rookie recruits who have expertise in digital technologies into reverse mentors for senior members so that they are able to continue looting digitized monies.
Description: Data Source :- Fictional.
Setting :- The case is a fictional account built on the dacoit gang of Phoolan Devi.
Case Reference No. :- IIMC-CRC-2017-13
Case Length :- 07 pages + teaching note.
Appears in Collections:2017-18

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