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Showing results 1565 to 1584 of 4194 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Facebook Free Basics: Bridging the Digital Divide or Destroying Net Neutrality?Bhuyan, Nisigandha; Chakraborty, Arunima
2012Facilitating Trade and Global Competitiveness: Express Delivery Services in IndiaMukherjee, Arpita; Pal, Parthapratim; Mitra, Subrata; Goswami, Ramneet; Dutta, Souvik
2021-09Factoring and the New Factoring ActRangarajan, Arvind
2016Factors impacting sustainability of e-government projects in IndiaAnand, Ambuj Bhairawnath; Seetharaman, Priya (Supervisor)
2012Factors Influencing Indian Individual Investor Behaviour: Survey EvidenceChandra, Abhijeet; Kumar, Ravinder
2011Fair TradeBhatta, C Panduranga; Mitter, R.
2021Fake News is Real: A Multimodal Analysis of Actors and Social PlatformsChaudhuri, Neha; Bose, Indranil (Supervisor)
2002-12Family and Social Influences In Buying Decision Making- A Study of TelevisionGupta, Seema; Chundawat, D.S.
-Family Ownership Concentration, growth prospects, product market competition and Firm Performance: Are Shareholders Really Better Off?Seth, Rama
1978-01Family Planning : Some Highlights of the Orissa SurveyMustafi, C. K.
2018-06Farm size, livelihood diversification and farmer’s income in IndiaDas, Varun Kumar; Ganesh-Kumar, A.
2019Farmizen: Architecting a Real world Farmwville (Parts A, B & C)Rakshit, Krishanu; Manoharan, Bhupesh; Parthiban, Rishikeshan; Shalini
2013Fast and Route Optimized NEMO (FRONEMO): A proposal to improve handoff performance in network mobilityMitra, Avik; Sardar, Bhaskar; Saha, Debashish
2011Fast high-performance algorithms for multi-pin droplet routing in digital microfluidic biochipsRoy, Pranab; Rahaman, Hafizur; Dasgupta, Partha Sarathi
2010-12-01A Fast Tabu Search Implementation for Large Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problems Defined on Sparse GraphsBasu, Sumanta; Gajulapalli, Ravindra S; Ghosh, Diptesh
2019-11Fault Lines in Global Financial Stability: Reading the Global Financial Stability Report of October 2019Ray, Partha
2015-03Fault Lines: A Book Review by Professor Menahem PrywesPrywes, Manahem
-Feasibility Study for setting up the 'Centre and Laboratory for Sustainable Business and Management (CLSBM)' with focus on Rural Health CommunicationRay, Sougata
-Feasibility Study for Setting up the ‘Centre and Laboratory for Sustainable Business and Management (CLSBM)’ with focus on Rural Health CommunicationRay, Sougata
2021-10Feathers in our Cap-