Browsing by Author Saha, Biswatosh

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-A Study into Strategy and Leadership in an Elite Nonprofit Service Delivery OrganisationSaha, Biswatosh; Jammulamadaka, Nimruji Prasad
-A Study of the Marketplace funded by, a joint venture of SAIL and TISCOSaha, Biswatosh; Jha, Vidyanand.
2016Affordance lost, affordance regained, and affordance surrendered: The becoming of reachability on social media platformsSharma D.; Saha, Biswatosh; Sarkar, Uttam Kumar
2023At the Crossroads: When does a founder decide to step aside?Saha, Biswatosh; Jha, Nikhil Kumar
2007-06Book Review - Biomedical Innovation in India: With a comparison to China and othersSaha, Biswatosh
2008Book Reviews - The new age of innovation: Driving co-created value through global networksSaha, Biswatosh
2016Bridging the distance: The agencement of complex affordances on social media platformsSharma, Divya; Saha, Biswatosh; Sarkar, Uttam Kumar
2017Compromised livelihoods in Vapi: What needs to be cleaned up in the armpit of India?Jammulamadaka, Nimruji Prasad; Saha, Biswatosh; Goswami, Manisha; Patel, Bharat
2017Emergent Heterogeneity in Keyword Valuation in Sponsored Search Markets: A Closer-to-Practice PerspectiveGupta, Agam; Saha, Biswatosh; Sarkar, Uttam Kumar
2018Evolving efficacy of managerial capital, contesting managerial practices, and the process of strategic renewalPratap, Sankalp; Saha, Biswatosh
2001Foreign investment, financial markets and industry : India in the 1990sSaha, Biswatosh; Khanna, Sushil (Supervisor)
2016From chaos of steel cycles to the promise of “Joy of Building”: Tata Tiscon eyeing the next big leapPratap, Sankalp; Saha, Biswatosh
2023Generating value by selling Steel: TATA TISCON traverses the liberalization discontinuity (Part A)Saha, Biswatosh; Pratap, Sankalp
2023Generating value by selling Steel: TATA TISCON traverses the liberalization discontinuity (Part B)Saha, Biswatosh; Pratap, Sankalp
2021-09Governance of Marwari capital: Daily living as a decolonial ‘matrix-of-praxis’ intermeshing commercial, religious and familial spheresMohnot, Jitesh; Pratap, Sankalp; Saha, Biswatosh
2022Himang Infra Recasts the Core, Builds Novel Ideas to Stem CrisisSaha, Biswatosh; Pratap, Sankalp; Jha, Nikhil Chandra
2011Market subjectivity and neoliberal governmentality in higher educationVarman, Rohit; Saha, Biswatosh; Skalen, Per
2017Mio Amore: surviving brand change in transition economyJammulamadaka, Nimruji Prasad; Mishra, Prashant; Saha, Biswatosh
2018Multi-spatiality of Social Media Platforms: The Enactment of Trust in Fluid SpaceSharma, Divya; Saha, Biswatosh
2019Papercup – The Journey of a StartupSaha, Biswatosh; Pratap, Sankalp; Roy, Moumita